

For more than 25 years, the school has welcomed young dancers and helped them develop their talents and achieve their ambitions. The school provides an inspiring learning environment where amateur, pre-professional and professional artists mingle, advocating diversity and encounters between artists from all walks of life.

The school offers a wide range of courses and levels so that everyone can find artistic enrichment, whether for relaxation and leisure or for intensive training preparing for a future career. Different artistic disciplines offer students the opportunity to “find their dance” and practice it at the highest level.

Great importance is given to classical dance, the basics of which are essential for learning technique, placement, coordination and muscle strength. The teaching team is made up of qualified teachers, each in their own field. Throughout the year, they provide quality education, advise, guide and supervise students.

The school operates according to the school mode, the courses begin in September and end in June, registrations are also accepted during the year depending on the places available. The dance school is closed for two weeks at Christmas and one month in summer. During other holiday periods, a reduced schedule is maintained. Various courses are planned during the year and in the summer with internationally renowned visiting professors. The school regularly organizes open doors for parents (December and end of the school year) and a big show every two years which allows students to perform on stage.


Provide quality teaching both technically and artistically in a healthy and warm environment.

Transmit to our young people the pleasure of dancing but also values such as respect for others, a taste for effort, discipline.

Allow all dance enthusiasts to practice their discipline at the highest level.

Consider the student as an individual, respect his choices and participate in his development by helping him to build himself through dance.


Maigret de Priches

Director & Founder

Studied classical dance in Belgium in his mother’s dance center with Daniel Lambo, ex-soloist of Maurice Béjart’s Ballets du XXème siècle, and continued his training with Rosella Hightower in Cannes.

Discovered jazz at sixteen with Lynn McMurray, became passionate about this technique and worked with illustrious teachers and choreographers, such as Jacques Alberka, Gianin Loringuett, Rick Odums, Bruce Taylor and Rheda, then in New York with Frank Hachett , Jojo Smith and Luigi. Teaches jazz dance in Belgium, participates in many shows as a dancer and choreographer and creates a company with his best students. During all his years of teaching, he is proud to have communicated his passion for dance to his students, trained teachers and prepared some for a professional career. Moved to Geneva in 1997 and founded Dance Area.

«Passionate and enthusiastic about all styles of dance and having faith in the practice of excellence, harmony, a taste for effort and ethics, I chose to create a dance school open to the world and in keeping with the times. Multidisciplinary because dance does not stop at a style, a technique but constitutes a universal and varied body language.

My primary concern is to provide quality teaching both technically and artistically, in a healthy and warm environment, to transmit to our young people the pleasure of dancing but also essential values such as respect for others, discipline and humility. The philosophy of the school is to consider the student as an individual, to respect their choices and to participate in their development by helping them to build himself through dance.

Over the years, with the invaluable collaboration of great teachers, we have succeeded in developing a pre-professional training course which has quickly generated young talents. Faced with the lack of a versatile training offer in Europe, it seemed essential to me to go beyond and continue the training program in order to bring the young dancer to the dawn of his professional career.»



Anastasia trained at Dance Area, at the Codarts Dance Academy in Rotterdam and then at the Rick Odums Professional Training Institute in Paris. Alongside her dance training, she also trained as an actress for two years at the Cours Florent in Paris. She participates in various choreographic projects in Switzerland, France and the Netherlands and is engaged as an actress in the XYZ’s theater company in Geneva. After resuming studies in Arts Management in London, Anastasia worked for the BalletBoyz dance company, the Old Vic theater in London and the London International Theater Festival. From 2014 to 2019, she worked for the Prix de Lausanne as production coordinator. From September 2014, Anastasia began to invest in the management of Dance Area, alongside Marie-Christine. Anastasia aims to perpetuate the legacy of Dance Area, a dance school open to all, guided in all its activities by the fundamental values ​​of respect, a taste for effort, sharing, creativity and excellence in teaching.

Dance Area

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Dance Area

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