Yes, the trial class is 20.- for children and teenagers and 25.- for adults

Yes, you must complete the online form and tick the “trial class” box. A confirmation of registration or a cancellation following the trial class must be sent to us by email within 10 days of the latter.

If the class is not suitable and you want to try another level or another discipline, you have to redo the process.

The secretariat remains at your disposal to guide you and help you find “your” class or that of your child.

Yes, as long as there are still spots available in the chosen class(es).

You will find the classes prices as well as the school rules and the school holiday calendar in the general conditions.

Yes, with a catch-up voucher to be obtained from the school secretariat.

Missed classes can be made up in any class* and at any time, throughout the duration of your subscription. You also have the option of making up early catch-ups.

*Except in classes that are sold out

No, because tuition is based on an annual flat rate which takes into account school holidays and public holidays.

Yes, if you are a new member.

Students already registered at the dance school have access to a member area where they can make requests for class changes, register modifications and access their account.

No, the subscription begins on the day of your 1st class and the payment for the 1st month is made in proportion to the remaining weeks.

The choice of classes card or subscription is only for adults.

Children and teenagers register with the subscription for the season which begins on the day of the 1st lesson, invoices are sent every month.


Classes are accessible to all people who love dance and seek personal fulfillment in the practice of this art. Students can start at any age in each of the disciplines taught. Several levels of classes are offered in most techniques from beginner to advanced.

Yes, if you indicate it at the time of registration.

Yes, until January 31 only by notifying the school secretariat before 20 December by email.

Yes, it is possible by making a request by email to the secretariat.


In principle not, because the attention of the children would be disturbed. However, exceptions are made at the beginning of the year for very young children (3-5 years old). If the child is very shy, a parent can stay in the studio for the 1st lesson. If afterwards, the child cries or does not want to join the others, it is better not to insist and wait 6 months or the following year to try again.

Open doors for parents are organized in December and June and the big school show takes place every 2 years at the BFM.


No, except for Dance-Study and Formations classes.

Leotard, pink tights with foot, demi-pointe shoes with elastic.

Free but preferably with clothes close to the body for corrections on placement. Half-pointes required.

Free dress code: leggings, shorts, bodysuit or t-shirt. Barefoot or in sports socks.

Free dress code: jogging, leggings, t-shirt. Indoor trainers with clear sole.

Dance Area

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Dance Area

If you would like to be kept informed of the activities of the school, subscribe! We only use your contact details for this purpose (you can unsubscribe at any time using the link provided for this purpose at the bottom of each newsletter).