Information & Registrations

Please take note of the general conditions and internal rules as well as the prices on this page before proceeding with your registration.

General conditions and internal rules

Registrations are accepted for a full school year (10 months, from September to June). Registrations of shorter duration may be granted in exceptional cases by making a written request to the management.

The school accepts registrations during the year, depending on available places, under the same conditions as below.

Each student is requested to complete the registration form online and to read the internal rules. For minors, parental consent is mandatory.

The validated registration form serves as a commitment for the full academic year. However, a termination is possible on 31  January only by sending an email or letter to the management before December 20.

No resignation, except in case of force majeure, will be accepted beyond this date and the school fees remain entirely due until the end of the school year.

Any change of class during the year (change of discipline or level) must be the subject of a written request to the secretariat.

The fees are to be paid at the beginning of each month, by payment invoice ora t the reception in cash. Recall fees are charged 5.-

It is the responsibility of the student (or his/her legal representative) to notify the school of his/her absence from class. Absences are not deductible, but can be made up at any time during your subscription period of the current school year, in any subject. To do this, a make-up voucher must be collected in advance from the secretary’s office. Classes that fall on official school vacations or public holidays cannot be made up.

In the event of force majeure (accident/illness requiring a break of more than two weeks) and on the basis of a medical certificate, the balance of the classes will be converted into a credit note (we do not issue refunds). In this case, the certificate must be sent to us within one month of the end of the class, if not the balance will remain due.

For people visiting Geneva or having irregular schedules. The cards are neither transferable nor refundable. In case of sickness or accident, and on presentation of a medical certificate in the month following the break, card’s validity will be extended. The school reserves the right to refuse cards for access to certain classes (full classes or studios limiting the number of students). Registration and choice of classes (maximum 2) is compulsory.

Students have the opportunity to try out classes before their final registration. The subscription starts on the day of the first class after the trial(s). Registration is mandatory. Children : 20.- Teenagers/Adults : 25.-

The school does not cover the risks against accident or sickness. Each student must have his/her own insurance.

The school is not responsible for any damage, accidents, injuries caused or suffered during classes or during performances as well as for lost, stolen or forgotten items in the school premises. Students are advised not to leave any valuable items in the changing-room (purse, jewelry, money, mobile phone, etc.).

Unless specified otherwise by the child’s legal representative, management retains the right to use photography and/or filmed images taken during lessons or shows for school communication (website – brochures – program). No commercial use will be made of such photos or films.

Proper outfit and a respectful behavior towards everyone are required within the school.
The dance school is not a playground, please remain calm during classes and in the hallways, locker rooms and cafeteria. Mobile phones must be turned off in the classroom.
We can refuse access to classes for the following reasons: bad behavior, non-respect of internal rules, repetitive late arrivals without excuses. Level not up to par with the class, in which case, students will be guided to another class.

Students wishing to use a studio outside school classes (trainings, rehearsals, etc.) and/or take private lessons must talk directly to the director. Only students are admitted in the changing-rooms.

For hygiene reasons, outdoor shoes are not allowed in the studios. Please wear indoor sneakers with white sole for hip-hop / street / dancehall and gym classes.
Food and soft drinks are not allowed in the studios.
Thank you for respecting the cleanness of premises and equipment available.

In order to not disturb classes, we kindly ask you not to enter into a studio in the middle of a lesson. People wishing to watch a class are requested to show up at the reception beforehand and to attend the whole class.

The lockers are allocated in priority to students in training and to adults following several classes per week. Rental for one year: 20.-
Lost or broken keys will be charged 10.- extra.

To be used for the duration of the lesson, the student must bring their own lock.


3 - 7 - Awakening / Initiation

Awakening / Initiation 80.-/month 150.-/month 220.-/month
Gigogne card 75.-/month 140.-/month 205.-/month
Class parent/child ages 2-3 100.-/month

From age 8

1 class/week 100.-/month 90.-/month
2 classes/week 185.-/month 175.-/month
3 classes/week 255.-/month 245.-/month
4 classes/week 310.-/month 300.-/month
5 classes/week 365.-/month 355.-/month
6 classes/week 425.-/month 415.-/month
7 classes/week 470.-/month 460.-/month
8 classes/week 515.-/month 505.-/month
Forfait individuel 550.-/month


Single class 30.-
Trial class - Children 20.-
Trial class - Teen/Adult 25.-


1 Awakening/Initiation
+ 1 other class
Application of discounted price
from age 18
Application of discounted price upon presentation of student card

* Discounts also apply to members of the same family (combined courses) and to students aged 18 and over on presentation of their student card.

Pre-Professional Formation

SAE I 500.-/month
SAE II 550.-/month


Single class 15.-
5 classes card 75.-
10 classes card 150.-

Individual Cards

15% discount on course cards for students already registered with an annual pass.

5 classes card
Validity 2 months
Dansce 155.-
Pilates – PBT – BàT – Yoga 165.-
10 classes card
Validity 3 months
Dance 280.-
Pilates – PBT – BàT – Yoga 300.-

Dance Area

Si vous désirez être tenus au courant des activités de l’école, souscrivez! Nous n’utilisons vos coordonnées qu’à cette fin (vous pouvez vous désinscrire en tout temps au moyen du lien prévu à cet effet en bas de chaque newsletter).

Dance Area

If you would like to be kept informed of the activities of the school, subscribe! We only use your contact details for this purpose (you can unsubscribe at any time using the link provided for this purpose at the bottom of each newsletter).