Ballet professor in charge of the Dance-Study and S.A.E department

Originally from Venezuela, Aldriana dances in several companies as Soloist and Principal, including Le Ballet Teresa Carreño, Le Ballet de l’Opéra d’Istanbul, Le Ballet Nice Méditerranée where she is appointed Principal Dancer under the direction of Eric Vu An and Le Béjart Ballet Lausanne.

She took part in the International Ballet Competition in Havana/Cuba, winning a bronze and silver medal.
Guided by her mentor Fanny Montiel, she learned Cuban and French pedagogy and methodologies, then worked as a ballet teacher throughout her dancing career.

A state-qualified classical dance teacher at the Centre National de Danse de Paris CND, she has dedicated herself exclusively to teaching since 2019, sharing her knowledge and passion as a guest teacher with dance companies, schools and conservatories in France, Singapore, Peru, Venezuela and Portugal. She is now in charge of the Dance-Studies Classical option at schools and conservatories in Portugal. Joined Dance Area in 2024.

Dance Area

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