Fernanda DINIZ

Ballet professor of the Dance-Study, Pre-Pro and Professional Formations
+ Repetitor for the Area Jeune Ballet

A gold medal at Osaka and a bronze medal in Varna launch Fernanda’s career, Brazilian prima ballerina formed in Belo Horizonte then coached by professors from the Paris Opera, the National Ballet of Cuba, the Royal Danish Ballet and the Kirov. She performs the great classics of the repertory around the world, including La Sylphide, Don Quixote, La Bayadere, Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty. In 2000, she meets and collaborates with Belgian choreographer Nicolas Musin on many creations for his company such as Carmen, Tristan and Isolde or Nutcracker. Since 2010 she’s devoted herself to teaching and joined the Dance Area team.

Dance Area

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Dance Area

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